Tuesday, March 30, 2010

America for President in 2022

Due to the Constitution, which the government apparently doesn't have to uphold, I have to wait until I am thirty five years old to run for President. And seeing that in 2022 we will most likely be dealing with the same problems as now, or the resulting consequences of today's missteps; I have decided to start my campaign now!

I am running on the platforms of reform and change. (I guess that's a Black thing.)

For far too long we have been letting poeple tell us to make hard choices and hard decisions, whose hardest decision is the Bahamas or Hawaii. Telling us to sacrifice, when they trade dignity for dollars, rights for stock options and the wants of the people they represent for the wants of lobbyist. This has to stop. This will stop.

Let's be completely honest, the executive branch is a mockery of what it used to be, and the office of President has become a figure head. Due to the rise of the fourth branch of our government, the lobbyist, and the increase in political kickbacks from corporations, our government is now deeply rooted in capitocracy. The only way to vote is with the dollar ballot, and for the middle class and lower, that means they are not represented. The legislative branch rules the government, and they only answer to themselves. Look at the Democratic parties inability to pass a square peg through a square hole, with a landslide majority. They have forgotten who they are working for, what they are working for.

It's time for a reminder. It's about the greater good. The good for the greater portion of the nation, not the lesser few. So it's time we not only take back our presidency, but we take back our government. In 2022, I nominate myself, you, my family, us, my country, America for President.

Now being honest, it's gonna be real hard for America to win the Presidency. As stated before the government doesn't even belong to the country. We might as well change our name from the United States of America, to the American Union. Because like the EU, our currency seems to be the only thing keeping us together, and we all know how healthy our currency is. Some may be offended by what I have just said, but it is the truth. We do not act like a country. A country fights together, sweats together, lives together...is together.

We have allowed television pundits to become the political consciousness of the country. Trading progressive ideas, laws, and policies for higher ratings. Producers and writes have become the authors of history and they are devaluing and disrespecting the government and its officials, and are belittling the education and ability of its viewers. The hardworking citizens of this country, in their own homes.No one can come into my home and just tell me anything. Not in my house. And not in our house anymore.

We are to blame, yes America is to blame. We have become so politically apathetic and weak over the years, that we handed over the reigns to wolves. We feel it's pointless. We feel it's hopeless, but we we know that we want to change it. So now is the time to change it.

If I am elected president, America will become the President. Not the People's president, but the Presidency of the People. I will not let the news, entertainment industry, government, corporations and lobbyist steer me. My worry isn't about the monetary deficit, but the moral deficit that we have accumulated. The deficit in equality across race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion and color. The deficit in opportunities for Americans to provide for themselves and their families. And the deficit in how we treat one another as Americans and neighbors in our shared great nation. But I cannot do it alone, and I will not do it alone. We will all do it together or we cannot do it all. We will unite in our homes, neighborhoods, communities, cities, counties first so that we can truly unites as states of America to show the world why we were and will always be the light of the world.

Red + Blue = Purple

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union

My name is Ryan Emmanuel Phipps, a 23 year old Black American graduate of Baylor University; current employee of the Bank of America. A resident of Dallas, Texas, a son of Dallas, Texas. Now, after all the identifiers, the only one that really matters, is the fact that I am an American. The others differentiate me, and separate me. And they have separated us for far too long.

This is America, We are America.

I would say people have forgot that, but the problem is that people don't remember that.
People love to go back and invoke memories of the forefathers and foremothers, but I cannot. I was born in 1987 in the Piny Woods of East Texas, in a small town of Trinity, Texas. My first President was Bush the father, who I was not cognizant to, but still have felt the ripples of his tenure in my life time. Early on I was socialized to believe how people wanted me to believe, but being the stubborn know-it-all I am, it never worked. I could since right and wrong from a very young age. What was wrong with me being extra nice to my white teacher, or having a white girl friend in pre-kindergarten? What was wrong with me being born out of wed lock or not knowing my father? What was wrong with my skin color and why was it such a big deal? Those were questions I did not want to ask, but were forced to. And as I grew I asked many more of the same type of questions. Why does my mother have to work 2 jobs and become stressed while other moms don't? Why do I have to live by drug dealers and gang bangers? It's not about fair, its about whats right. And it seemed to me this land of opportunity for the fortunate few.

This is America.

Not fortunate as in wealth, but as in luck. Far gone are the days where working hard gets you somewhere. Far gone are the days where you can even find work. To have a job is fortunate in this time where unemployment rates are up and everyone no matter degree or pedigree are fighting for the same low paying, no opportunity jobs.
Far gone are the days where we politics where left in the meeting rooms and agendas where they belong. The socioecopolitical society that we now are deeply rooted is the major cause of most of the inability to change in this country. Everything becomes an issue, everything becomes a story, every thing becomes a battle ground. This wins go for the party, not the country, the loobyist, not the people, the corporation, not America.

This is America.

We live in a time where we don't even know the people who live next door to us. To say neighbor would be a severe overstatement. We are closer with people hundreds and thousands of miles away from us, thanks to the evolution of social networking. But your face book friends aren't watching your house when you are way, your my space friends aren't watching your car when you aren't looking, the people you are following aren't even following you and they cant tweet you when your kids are playing in your front yard and get hurt. What happened to our communities? What happened to our neighborhoods? No wonder we are in the situation we are in. When you don't know your child's teachers, principles, the officers that patrol your neighbor hood or even the name of your city mayor? How can you be a neighbor, a member of the community, a citizen of the city? Moreover, in this time, people drive 45 minutes plus just to go to worship. They probably pass hundreds of churches on there way to this mega church where you cannot even talk to the pastor. When you have to make a 2 week advanced appointment to meet your pastor, then there is a problem. When your pastor has bodyguards there is a problem? America we have a problem because this is America, now.

But it doesn't have to be forever.

Go back in to your homes. Talk to your kids, get to know your kids, love your kids. Find out who there friends are, teachers are, principles are, idols are. Go back into your neighborhoods. Knock on your neighbors door, find out who they are, chat with them, bond with them. Stop a cop and ask him who he is, why is he patrolling your neighborhood, how you can help. Go back into your communities, go to worship in your community. Find out who the people are that live around you, get to know the issues that their facing, how y'all can come together to get y'alls common goals accomplished. Go back into your cities. Find out what areas need the most help and go and volunteer, go and build them up. Invest in them, invest in the people, invest in yourself. Go back into our country! Take a family vacation to New Orleans and find out why it is no place to vacation to. There was over 61 million raised by Hope for Haiti, but the New Orleans telethon only raised 30 million. If you go to the wards of that city you can easily find where 31 million more dollars could be desperately needed. Churches and groups do thousands of missionaries overseas and invest millions of dollars abroad, but that charity, money, time, and supplies can be seriously used in the post hurricane carnage of new Orleans, slums of new york, Chicago, Detroit, Dallas, Los Angeles...of America

This is America! We are America!

So let's start acting like it!